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What is BitQaan?

Bitqaan is a promising currency of the future that offers stability and consistent profitability. With Bitqaan, you have access to an alternative financial system that guarantees the safety of your investments and assets, while also providing a reliable source of profits. Read more...

BitQaan is The Financial Engine Of This World

Bitqaan is 21st Century Technology company. Usually people get profits when they sell products. If you are a bitqaan member you will get profits if you or anyone else from bitqaan community buy stuff e.g if a bitqaan user from Canada or Europe buy anything from store there, the person sitting in Asia or Africa will get profits from his transaction. Bitqaan is combination of all eCommerce Web 3.0 and old hybrid system. You can sell goods, services and you can do whatever you want to and get coins in returns. In future we are hoping Bitqaan will replace bitcoin because whatever bitcoin suppose to deliver and failed Bitqaan will do that.

Bitqaan Market Place

Become part of world biggest market place to sell your products all over the world. You can get orders directly from customers from all over the world. There is no middleman or agents involved. Customers will pay you in advance and you can start preparing their orders. Deliver them quality products on time and get more orders fast.

Hot Products

Bitqaan Shopping Mall

Buy Quality Products Direcly From Factories Outlets

You can buy quality products direcly from factories outlets all around the world at very low prices with high quality stuff. Every brand and factory has outlets in Bitqaan shopping mall where you can buy whatever you need at very reasonable prices and get it delivered asap to your door step.

Latest Outlets

BitQaan Food Place

Order Directly From Bitqaan Food Place

Either World most famous restaurant or local delicious cuisines everything you can order directly from Bitqaan Food Place. You can check the restaurant ratings and reviews from real people. Every person’s review is verified from Bitqaan. You can pay for your food with Bitqaan and get coins in returns. When you pay via Bitqaan you can get lower prices on each item as well. The most delicious food with great prices.

Bitqaan Social Palace

Get paid while using Bitqaan Social Palace you can post, browse, check status and you can do all the social media activity at one place. And while you are on bitqaan social palace you are getting paid for every second you spend on bitsocial platform.

BitQaan Protection Guarantee

Become a better investor on the go, right in the app

Here’s a preview of the things you can learn when you sign up.

All Transactions:

Tracking# Method Age Seller Buyer BTQ
24748Transfer3 hours agoBitQaansafder509
24747Transfer4 hours agofarooqtahir farooq4331
24746Transfer5 hours agoBitQaanfarooq4331
24745Transfer6 hours agouserطیب3000
24744Buy6 hours agoBitQaanuser1340
24743Sell6 hours agoNazeerBitQaan1384
24742Buy7 hours agoBitQaanuser1755
24741Transfer7 hours agouserSuhail2500
24740Buy7 hours agoBitQaanuser2500
24739Sell7 hours agoNazeerBitQaan3195
24737Buy8 hours agogaffarNazeer50
24738Buy8 hours agoBitQaanNazeer4208
24736Buy8 hours agoBitQaanAmin531
24735Buy11 hours agoBitQaanRehman531
24721Buy11 hours agoSipraRehman2782
24722Buy11 hours agoArshadRehman10
24723Buy11 hours agoHussainRehman2000
24724Buy11 hours agoMuhammadRehman1500
24725Buy11 hours agoHussainRehman100
24726Buy11 hours agoKumarRehman5000
24727Buy11 hours agoHussainRehman2000
24728Buy11 hours agoAbdul saboorRehman1000
24729Buy11 hours agoHaiderRehman550
24730Buy11 hours agouserRehman2000
24731Buy11 hours agoAbbasiRehman1
24732Buy11 hours agoVejRehman500
24733Buy11 hours agoAliRehman1800
24734Buy11 hours agoBitQaanRehman2059
24715Buy12 hours agouseruser328
24716Buy12 hours agouseruser800
24717Buy12 hours agoJaveduser10
24718Buy12 hours agobaiuser727
24719Buy12 hours agoRehmanktkuser3600
24720Buy12 hours agoSiprauser818
24714Transfer13 hours agoAsadSagheer10000
24713Buy13 hours agouserRehman957
24712Transfer19 hours agouserHussain40249
24711Transfer1 day agoBitQaanAbbasi12000
24710Sell1 day agoUzairBitQaan2663
24709Transfer1 day agoBitQaanAhmad40000
24708Bonus1 day agoBitQaanNazeer57
24707Bonus1 day agoBitQaanNazeer54
24706Bonus1 day agoBitQaanNazeer66
24705Sell1 day agoNazeerBitQaan1326
24704Sell1 day agoNazeerBitQaan5329
24702Buy2 days agouserKhattak385
24703Buy2 days agouserKhattak715
24701Transfer2 days agouserطیب2748
24700Buy2 days agouseruser2748
24699Transfer2 days agoSaimaUzair1062