Let’s understand a little bit about Bitqaan. Right now the price of Bitqaan is very low. Bitqaan has been working for more than two years. It is a registered company. Head and team members of Bitqaan have worked very hard. There are 111894 users of BitQaan. And today, 20 January 2024, BitQaan price is 0.00578079. Very soon one dollar will reach ten dollars. Those who bought BitQaan before that got a huge profit. Betqaan is a company and there are different packages within it. There was one package۔
1. bit social:
People who took the Bit social package at that time when the bitcoins came and got profit on them, people will be surprised and worried. They will continue to get profit on the bitcoins they got on a regular basis when it goes to dollars. At that time its value will be realized then its another package.DCP.
2..DCP. Daily Cash Profit.
Well why this package was created and started. Last year Bitqaan taught people to trade on top of InWisdo but many people learned and did well. But majority said it is difficult for us to learn we give you money. Let us trade. So the company and team people decided that it’s ok. That’s how this package started. Now let’s understand a little detail about it.
In this, the investor invests money and the company trades on it, the profit and loss on this money are equal. Doing business in this way is absolutely correct and in accordance with Islam. It is completely free of interest. In this, the profit is fixed for you. It is not received in advance. Rather, it is received according to the amount given by you. What follows is its package.
3. Dividend package.
What is dividend package and why is it needed?
BitQaan has been working for two years and many people have bought millions if not billions of bitwaan. It has been a long time since Bitqaan price features a locked system. But the price will always go up. It will not come down. So Bitqaan started this package for its investors. Now whoever has ten thousand or more Bitqaan, he will get profit on it. And this package started from December 3. Now there was a December offer within the same package۔
4.December offer.
The December offer lasted from December 3rd to January 15th. In the December offer, there was a double profit of buying bitQaan. Those who bought bitqaan would get their BSIC investment minutes in four months and the second profit would be when bitqaan are at one dollar. They will have so many dollars at that time. Those who participated in this offer bought bitqaan in December. They have received the first profit on January 1, 2024 and now they are going to receive the second profit on February 1, 2024. It was The value of the December offer. And before January 15, the price of Bitqan was 800 per 1,000. While its current price is 600 per 1,000 and soon it will be 500 per 1,000. And that time is not far away, it is coming very soon when one bitQaan worth one thousand will be found.
E-commerce platform. On top of Bitqan you can have your own store and sell good products on it. Now it is a small fee but very soon you will see that the value of this store will go to millions of dollars. Now the price of Bitqaan. Talk about. Which was in 2023.
1850 of 1000 bitQaan were received on 1st January.
On January 11, 1000 to 1800 bitQaan were available.
On January 21, 1000 to 1700 bitQaan were available.
1400 of 1000 was used on February 5.
On February 15, 1000 to 1300 bitQaan were available.
On February 26, 1000 to 1200 bitQaan were available.
On March 21st, 1000 to 1100 bitQaan were available.
On April 11, 1000 of BitQaan were available.
On June 11, BitQaan was 900 out of 1000
On September 04, 800 of 1000 bitQaan were available.
600 of BitQaan 1000 is available from 15th January 2024. Now is the chance and time. This rate chance and time will never match. This article is written in English and Urdu for your store on Bitqan.
Apart from this, there are many packages of Bitqaan. People will know and recognize Bitqaan in the same way as Facebook and WhatsApp, but at this time we may not be able to buy its share. So make a thoughtful decision. Life has given you a chance, don’t waste it.*
S.A.Basit Gilani*